JUMP TOAPI GuidesWelcome to Turnkey Lender APIAuthenticationAPI ReferenceUserLogin userpostChange PasswordpostRequest user's password changepostReset user's passwordpostCustomerCreate a new customer accountpostDisclaimer confirmationpostGet the list of credit productsgetGet the list of statesgetCheck promo codegetCalculate loan schedulepostCreate a new loan for the customerpostSend loan for processingpostCancel the loanpostAccept loan offerpostDecline loan offerpostGet Active LoansgetGet Loan DetailsgetGet Loan Offer DetailsgetGet Loan Offer DetailsgetGet Customer Account SummarygetGet Customer DetailsgetUpdate Customer DetailsputGet Co-Applicant DetailsgetUpdate Co-Applicant DetailsputRequest rolloverpostCancel rollover requestdeleteCheck if rollover can be requestedgetAdd CollateralpostUpdate CollateralputDelete CollateraldeleteGet disclaimer informationgetSign a documentpostDecline a documentpostResend SMS with a codepostReturns all system loan documentsgetReturn a system loan documentgetUpdate loan detailsputInvestorCreate a new Investor accountpostGet investor's personal detailsgetUpdate investor's personal detailsputGet the list of investment opportunitiesgetGet the list of bidsgetSubmit a bidpostGet investment bid detailsgetModify a bidputWithdraw a biddeleteGet Active InvestmentsgetGet Investment DetailsgetGet PreferencesgetUpdates PreferencesputFilesUpload FilepostGet document detailsgetDownload DocumentgetGet user documentsgetAdd fileputDelete a filedeleteDictionaryGet all items from the requested dictionariespostGets values from the dictionary based on the passed filter.postReturns cancellation reasonsgetManagementSearch customersgetRegister CustomerpostGet Customer DetailsgetUpdate Customer DetailsputCreate New Bank AccountpostGet All Bank AccountsgetDelete Bank AccountdeleteGet the list of credit productsgetGet the list of branch officesgetCreate a new loan for the customerpostSend loan for processingpostApprove the loanpostGet Loan DetailsgetUpload FilepostGet document detailsgetDownload DocumentgetRegister a disbursement transactionpostInitiate disbursement using a payment servicepostRegister repayment transactionpostEdit a repayment transactionputRepayment transaction is reverseddeleteEnable auto-chargespostDisable auto-chargespostPayment OptionsAdd a new bank accountpostGet Bank Accounts listgetAdd a new debit/credit cardpostGet Cards listgetUpdate card detailsputUpdate a payment methodpostDelete a payment methoddeleteGet repayment amountsgetSubmit (charge) a repaymentpostGet settings for Bank Verification iframegetSkip bank verification checkpostSave data from iframepostCheck if Customer's Bank accounts are verified successfullygetVendorsGet the list of all vendorsgetGet the list of all stores for a given vendorgetGet the list of all stores to be shown on a mapgetGet vendor settingsgetSystem settingsGet Co-Applicant options for application flowgetPowered by Calculate loan schedulepost https://trial-us.turnkey-lender.com/PublicApi/v7-12/Customer/Loans/CalculateCalculates loan schedule for provided terms